Implementasi Kebijakan Supervisi Akademik Dan Manajerial Pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Kota Palu
The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of academic and managerial supervision policies at SDN 3 Palu. This type of descriptive research obtained from the results of in-depth interviews. The research location is SDN 3 Palu. The research informants were 5 (five) people consisting of supervisors, school principals, teachers and education staff who were selected purposively. Sources of data used are observation, interviews, documentation. Data analysis was performed using Miles and Huberman's interactive model. The theory used is the theory put forward by Van Meter and Van Horn with 6 dimensions that affect the implementation of performance. The results of the research reviewed based on the Van Meter and Van Horn models in several dimensions have gone quite well, this can be seen from the performance of supervisors, school principals, teachers and education staff in improving the quality of education through the implementation of academic and managerial supervision in schools, the involvement of schools and external parties in this case the LPMP of Central Sulawesi Province in carrying out academic and managerial supervision policies, the ability of implementing agents, the influence of social, economic and political conditions on the mechanisms for implementing academic and managerial supervision policies, and the support or attitudes of implementers in implementing the implementation of academic and managerial supervision policies, but On the resource dimension, related to human resources, it is necessary to recruit new supervisors who are educationally qualified and competent.
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